Keep Me Awake
A little late to the party, but who cares..
Yuna! Yuna! Yuna! :)
Yesterday B.W.P.L was held at Fellbach, which elegantly stands for, Baden Wuerttemberg Premier League :) A seriously vogue name, if i may say :) But it is first of it's kind organized by the Malaysian in Germany Student Socienty (did i get the name right?) with each state having their own league to handle. A fitting name for such a feat (by no means, organizing an event is an easy job)
The whole event was a really fast paced one, therefore, I've decided before hand to concentrate my whole attention photographing my fellow team mates :) Trying to photograph the whole event with all the teams, wouldn't be very wise for me to do. It would have required too much of my focus which i couldn't give, plus, being hungry throughout the game, made the decision easier to make :) (dunno about the other teams, but Team Aalen played with an empty stomach, didn't have breakfast)
B.W.P.L concluded with Team Mannheim taking the trophy back home. A heartily congratulation from me :) They didn't lose even a game, i think. Didn't pay attention to the scoreboard, though i probably should have. Below are 26 pics, some with captions, some without.
I am not sure, but is that dude playing in his boxers? :)
Najikhin(buet) on the ground after an attempt to save the ball.
Team Aalen after a not very fruitful game :(
Bruno's leg.
Syamsul as the goal keeper, substituting for buet.
From right, Hilmi, Acap, Syamsul and Dilan(dylan?).
Hilmi and Syamsul trying to save the ball.
Acap gripping the net enclosing the court.
Fuad, waiting in line to join the game.
Dilan again.
Daskin, standing at far left, with Zainal(macha) from team Heilbronn on the floor.
Team Aalen chilling at the bench after playing their last game. In total, every team played 8 games.
Almost everyone was at KFC after the game. The whole outlet was full with Malaysian students. There were so many of us ordering bucket after bucket of chicken, that it was on back order. Some have to wait for 30 minutes, including a few unfortunate german customers that came to the place after it was filled.
Definitely the best way to end our day at Stuttgart, by eating our heart out at KFC like some kind of Mob :)
Third and the last of the series :) This entry is all about the London tube and it's commuters. Nothing fancy to be seen here. The images are dark, grainy, blur, badly exposed and not visually stimulating. That's what you get for being clumsy :)
This the second part of my London trip entries :) during my stay there, i spent most of my time on the bed, traveling the tube and hanging around in the museums with dead people and animals :)
First off, is the Science Museum. In the picture above, the big red round thing is a sculpture of the earth, made out of steel and people going in and out of it. Kinda symbolic of life, if you ask me :) either that or a lolipop.
A Dead Neanderthal Dude or was it chick, can't remember:
Next stop was the Natural History Museum. Somewhere down the list of the things i wanna do in life, is seeing skeleton of a dinosaur, i can check that out now :)
Down here is a life size sculpture of Mr Darwin.
A cross section cut of a tree, which was already around a few hundred years before Prophet Muhammad was born, and continued living for about 1.5k years in total. You guys couldn't see from this picture, but on top of it, there is a list of major events that happened during that span of time, sorted chronologically.
The last museum i went to, the British Museum.
Tourists? and some kids on a field trip. There were a whole bunch of them, from different schools running around, taking notes and drawing the things that interest them. Their teachers tried explaining to them about the history of the things there, about pharaohs, roman empires, etc - i am sure that all they heard was white noise :) who wants to listen to a boring history lecture, when u can play hide seek.
Lewis chess set, if i am not mistaken, made out of ivory.
This machine used to make plates for printing money.
The Rosetta Stone.
A crooked panorama of the Museum - i really suck at this :(